Why does the HSC conduct fundraising activities?
Our Home & School Club is an independent non-profit organization with a mission to enhance and support the educational programs and environment at Los Paseos Elementary School. To provide support to our school and children, to make certain programs possible, and to bridge the gap between public funds and actual expenses, we need to raise money. To raise funds, HSC conducts a variety of fundraisers.
Where does my money go?
Los Paseos HSC funds over $30,000 in programs, equipment, classroom supplies, and services each year that benefit our students. Programs and events such as Playlosophy, Science Camp, Field Trips, Scholastic Books, Wellness Center, Trunk-or-Treat, Movie Night, Holiday Shop, Spring Festival, and much more would not exist without HSC fundraising.
What fundraisers can I expect this year?
Check out our Fundraiser and Donate tabs to see ways you can assist in fundraising for our school! Also, please see our Events and Programs tabs to locate our community events that give back in return for all your generosity! If you’d like to volunteer for any of these fundraisers or events, see our volunteer tab or click here.